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6 Tips to Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

When the leaves start falling, we begin looking for ways to keep our homes cozy and comfortable without spending a fortune. And the best place to start is with the furnace. In order to have reliable, energy-efficient heating for winter, there are a few tasks you want to complete before…

A Homeowner’s Guide to the Different Types of Energy Efficient Windows

When it comes to saving money on your utility bills by making your home as energy efficient as possible, most folks that I talk to tend to focus on their air conditioners and furnaces, asking me all kinds of questions about things like smart or programmable thermostats. Those things are…

3 Tips for Getting the Best Windows for the Money

Growing up, my dad used to have a subscription to this magazine called Consumer Reports. The magazine evaluates products and gives people info that they can use to make sure they’re getting the most value for their hard-earned money. There was a time when my dad hardly bought anything without…

What to Do About a Kitchen Sink Drain Pipe Leaking at the Connection

One simple truth about plumbing is that there are no good leaks. If water is escaping from somewhere in your plumbing system, you’ve got a leak—and that’s a problem. Leaks can damage surrounding areas in your home that aren’t supposed to get wet, and they can really run up the…

10 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Fall

Pumpkin spice lattes, football, shorter days and colder nights — it’s that time of year again. Fall is in the air. Use this time to take care of some important home maintenance projects before winter sneaks up on you. Save money, prevent disasters, and live more comfortably by following these…

How to Reset a Furnace—and When You Should Call an HVAC Pro

I’m going to be completely honest here for a second: I just don’t know all that much about computers. Now, I can use mine just fine, of course. But when it comes to keeping up on all the latest apps and programs and other gizmos? I’m just not the best…