Avoid Common Bathroom Sink Drain Installation Mistakes

bathroom sink drain installation mistakes to avoidI’ve always had a whole lot of respect for people who can do a thing themselves, whether that thing is car maintenance, woodwork, or even plumbing. In fact, I think it was that high level of respect that first drew me to become a plumber way back when; a useful and interesting way to turn that natural curiosity into a steady job doing residential plumbing in Sacramento, CA.

I think that’s why when I get calls today from homeowners who are struggling with overly-ambitious DIY jobs, I never judge them. No, quite the contrary. I actually respect them for giving the whole thing a go. That, however, doesn’t mean that these DIY homeowners don’t tend to make quite a few mistakes, if I’m being honest.

This is especially true of bathroom sink drain installations, so that’s what I’d like to talk about here today: the top bathroom sink drain installation mistakes to avoid, from tightening connections until they crack to using too much putty. We’re also going to go into some suggestions for how to handle drain installation that can help you avoid these missteps in the first place—and ultimately save you money!

The #1 Bathroom Sink Drain Installation Mistake to Avoid: Over-Tightening Connections

I think the most common mistake I see from DIY plumbers is over-tightening pipe connects to the point that they break. Make no mistake, you definitely have to tighten pipe connections. Otherwise, you’ll get leaks that can lead to mold growing around your sink. If you over-tighten them, though, that causes some pretty significant problems too.

Another word of caution here is that the average person can’t always tell if they’ve over-tightened or under-tightened a pipe…

See, one of the top bathroom sink drain installation mistakes to avoid is over-tightening connections to the point where they crack or strain. Doing this can lead to more severe issues like warping, which will ultimately allow water to pass through the connection. Another word of caution here is that the average person can’t always tell if they’ve over-tightened or under-tightened a pipe, which is why I highly recommend seeking help from a top plumbing contractor for this sort of job.

Using Too Much Putty Is a Common DIY Sink Drain Installation Mistake

Common bathroom sink drain installation mistakes When I was a little kid back in grade school, we used to do a lot of craft projects. We’d do things like trace our hands with a pencil and then cut it out and color it like a turkey, before gluing it to another piece of paper and hanging it up on the wall for the teacher and all the other kids to see. One problem I always seemed to have back then was that I used way too much glue and it leaked out the sides. This is actually similar to our next major bathroom sink drain installation mistake to avoid: using too much putty.

Plumbers putty, for those of you who may not know, is a soft and moldable sealant, one that you almost always have to use when you install a bathroom sink drain. When used correctly, it can give you a leak-proof seal for years. If you put too much on, though, it can ultimately look sloppy and maybe even cause damage to the fixture and other parts of your sink’s plumbing. Simply put, don’t be like I was way back when with my glue. Again, this is another situation where it would really help to call a professional plumber.

Avoid Choosing Shoddy Parts When You Install a New Bathroom Sink Drain

The last mistake on our list is maybe the most obvious, but it’s so important that it still bears discussion. When it comes to bathroom sink drain installation mistakes to avoid, you want to make sure that you never find yourself choosing shoddy parts. A cheap or inefficient pipe can lead to bigger troubles down the road, and, for obvious reasons, you’ll want to avoid that.

This is also yet another category where it quite literally pays to work with a trained professional plumber. A high-quality local plumbing contractor will have the experience and expertise to know what parts you need right away. Basically, by working with a pro, you won’t have to devote any thought or concern to whether you’ve chosen the right materials.

I know that I might sound like a bit of a broken record discussing the top mistakes to avoid when installing a bathroom sink drain, but I really do think it’s an important point that should be repeated: working with a trained and experienced contractor is the easiest and, more often than not, most cost-effective way to go in the long run. I admire the gumption it takes to take on a big DIY job like this, but it’s extensive work. With help from a plumbing contractor, though, you’ll get a guarantee it’s done well.

At least, that’s what you’ll get if you work with us here at Bell Brothers. We can also give you a free in-home consultation to help you decide if it really is better to go with a pro. I don’t want to influence your decision too much—I do respect that admirable DIY spirit after all—but I think chances are, you’ll like what you hear from us.

At Bell Brothers, our trained plumbing professionals would be more than happy to help you learn about the top bathroom sink drain installation mistakes to avoid. Contact us today to schedule a free in-home consultation.

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Image courtesy ismagilov