Use Your Space Heater Safely this Winter
Space heaters are one of the most popular ways to keep a room warm during the colder months. These appliances can offer a comfortable and reliable heat source for your home or office, but only if you use them properly.
Unfortunately, these space heaters can be hazardous if not properly operated and maintained. These essential tips will help you use your space heater safely this winter.
Keep the Space Heater on the Floor
The main reason to keep your space heater on the floor is that it’s safer. While it may be tempting to keep your heater on a higher surface, so the heat blows toward your face, it can easily tip over and cause an accident.

And leaving a heater on a rug is a fire hazard. Dust can build up on rugs and carpets and easily get into the heating element of a space heater. Dust and heat could result in a fire.

Move All Flammable Objects Away
Space heaters are a popular way to keep your home warm in the winter. They’re convenient, portable, and inexpensive to use. However, because they’re so small, they don’t have the same safety features as larger heating systems.

Never Leave the Space Heater Unattended
There are many reasons why you should never leave your space heater unattended. Space heaters can cause fires and injuries, especially if you leave them on while sleeping or showering.
Don’t Use Power strips or Extension Cords
You may think using an extension cord or power strip with your space heater is a good idea, but it’s not.

Keep Kids and Pets Away
Kids are curious. Chances are they’re going to get into things they shouldn’t. And if they spot you doing something, they want to try and do the same.

It can tip over or fall over if a wayward kid bumped into it. A space heater may not tip over easily on carpeting or rugs but could be enough for serious burns and property damage if they fall onto a flammable rug or carpet.

Never Put it Near Liquids
Never place your space heater near water. For example, don’t put it on top of a wet carpet or near a bathtub or shower stall. The water could cause the electrical components of the heater to short out, which could start a fire.
Contact the experts at Bell Bros for your all your winter heating needs