Read Our Latest Blogs About HVAC And Plumbing

Protect Your Plumbing from an Earthquake

Last month we talked about how to protect your HVAC from an earthquake, this month we’re focusing on plumbing. The issue with plumbing is that shifting ground during an earthquake can cause a lot of damage, and you can’t really “look under the hood” of your main sewer line. While…

Top Benefits of Double Pane Windows

We hear a lot of Sacramento homeowners asking about double pane windows. They often ask us if how they can save money with double pane windows and what the environmental consequences are. Today’s post will shine a light on the benefits of double pane windows and why you should consider…

6 Reasons You Should Install a Smart Thermostat in Your Home

Is a smart thermostat really worth it? Does a smart thermostat actually save money? We hear questions every day about smart thermostats, and the experts at Bell Brothers are here to provide you those answers. Smart thermostats are quickly replacing their digital and even programmable counterparts, because of their wide…

How To Prevent A Sewage Back-Up

There are a number of things that can go wrong when you’re a homeowner—but one of the most costly, time-consuming and just downright gross problems you can face is a sewage backup. When something backs up your drainage pipes, your home becomes at-risk for flooding and potentially exposes you and…

How to Prepare Your Home for Fall

With the fall and winter months just around the corner, pre-season prep work needs to be done to ensure no uh-ohs! come up unexpectedly or when it is too late. For you and your family’s health and safety, prioritize interior and exterior home preparation while the weather outside is still…

Earthquake Preparedness Tips for Your HVAC

Part of living in California is just accepting the possibility of earthquakes. These natural events can do serious damage to your home and everything in it. While most people prepare the contents in their home for earthquake damage—think bookshelves, TVs, storage, etc.—appliances are often overlooked. Here are some of our…

The Best Way to Clean a Sink P-Trap

Plumbing issues can be hard to diagnose. There’s no way you can lift the hood off your plumbing system and take a look inside. Despite this, there is one easy plumbing fix you can do on your own. Here is the best way to clean a sink P-trap. What is…

Pros and Cons of Casement Windows

For far too long we’ve seen casement windows stuck in the back of our warehouse not getting the attention they deserve. This isn’t to say anything bad about horizontal sliding, vertical sliding, or double-hung windows; they’re all great options for your home. Despite this, there’s something about the classic look…

DIY HVAC Repairs Not to Do. Here’s Why.

Any sort of AC repair and service should be left to the professionals. While there is a YouTube video for everything, HVAC repairs can be downright dangerous when not done properly. What those tutorial videos don’t show you are the years of experience and expert training certified HVAC techs go…

Can Your Air Conditioner Give You a Sore Throat?

It’s easy to take central cooling for granted—especially after some of the recent heat waves in Sacramento. Far too often, we see homeowners neglect their air conditioner until something goes wrong or they start to feel unwell. If you’re wondering can your air conditioner give you a sore throat, the…